Soldi Game

4.5 ( 2965 ratings )
开发 Gady Kohanov

ALERT !!!! for a fun app that gives away $750 shopping spree, sweet beach escape and other valuable prizes .
Winning have been never so fun and easy!!!
Register for the photo race today. Speed will bring you victory . This race has no lights , no stop signs , no rules but being on top of your game . Bring out your creativity! Its always perfect timing for the gift season in Soldis world!
Soldi wants you to win – so play every day to try and beat everyone else.
Be sure to play every day for more chances to win! Good luck!
App Feature : Quick and easy setup. Creating your picture and profile is childs play. Just a minute of set up and you are a few away from winning this prize . Turn your radar on for a theme picture notifications from Soldi . Respond within 2 min by uploading your picture with hashtag and beat others .

Apple company and/or and/or Appstore have no connection to this game or contest and are not responsible to any prizes or winnings.
This competition is prepared and sponsored by MPR magazine app INC / Gady Kohanov and Gary Porat .